You Can’t Put a Price on Dignity (written for California Broker, November 2010) The nation is being engulfed by a tidal wave of entitlement mentality. The feasibility of funding long-term care with taxpayer dollars through the Medicaid program is bleak with 150 million employees vs. 58 million people on Medicaid today.2, 3 That’s a ratio …
Mar 11
Long-Term Care Insurance Needed to Protect America’s Financial Recovery
Long-Term Care Insurance Needed to Protect America’s Financial Recovery (written for Agent Sales Journal, November 2010 issue) By Phyllis Shelton, President, LTC Consultants and America has a choice to make. There’s no way that public dollars alone can pay the long-term care for the baby boomers, 95% of whom have no coverage for long-term …
Mar 11
Is CPI Inflation Adequate?
You will definitely want to pick up Prudential’s 2010 Long-Term Care Cost Study, which measures trends in costs associated with the major forms of long-term care services. (See the link to this survey under “What Does Long-Term Care Cost?” on this site.) I’ve seen the cost of care increase an average of 5-6% compounded annually …
Dec 14
State Budget Shortfalls and State-Specific Budget Cuts
Public-Private Long-Term Care Insurance Plans will have a tremendously positive impact on state budgets if we educate employers to offer it now to all employees to decrease cuts in other services like you see here.
Dec 09
States Continue to Feel Recession’s Impact
By Elizabeth McNichol, Phil Oliff, and Nicholas Johnson
The worst recession since the 1930s has caused the steepest decline in state tax receipts on record. State tax collections, adjusted for inflation, are now 12 percent below pre-recession levels, while the need for state-funded services has not declined. As a result, even after making very deep spending cuts over the last two years, states continue to face large budget gaps.
Nov 05
An Update on State Budget Cuts
By Nicholas Johnson, Phil Oliff, and Erica Williams
With tax revenue still declining as a result of the recession and budget reserves largely drained, the vast majority of states have made spending cuts that hurt families and reduce necessary services. These cuts, in turn, have deepened states’ economic problems because families and businesses have less to spend.