Phyllis Shelton

Phyllis Shelton is the President of LTC Consultants, a Nashville-based company that she founded in 1991 specializing in long-term care insurance sales training, consumer education and marketing materials. She is widely considered to be the leading long-term care insurance sales trainer in the country. Now her heart goes out to anyone who doesn't have a local insurance professional to help them consider long-term care insurance, and she is willing to be a resource for those people, or their financial advisors.

Most commented posts

  1. What happens if a LTC insurer goes out of business? How common does this happen? — 45 comments
  2. Your Customized Benefit Selection Process — 44 comments
  3. Welcome SUZE ORMAN Readers and Everyone Else! — 39 comments
  4. How much does long-term care insurance cost? (rate calculator for sample plan) — 36 comments
  5. The Secret Medicare Plan that No One Tells You About — 35 comments

Author's posts

Suze’s New Book is Out!

Just in from Suze… she is in New York promoting her new book The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+! This is what she wrote me – Dear Phyllis, Today I’m in New York, and started the day on my favorite morning shows! If you missed me on CBS This Morning talking about my top retirement …

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The Partnership for Long-Term Care

The idea of the Long-Term Care Partnership is to provide a way for the Medicaid program to work together with private long-term care insurance to help those people who are caught in the middle: they can’t afford to pay the cost of the care or even the cost of a long-term care insurance policy with unlimited benefits, yet their assets are too high to qualify for Medicaid to pay their long-term care expenses. Many middle-income workers and retirees find themselves in this position.

Participating insurance companies in the Partnership recognize the needs of these middle-income Americans by providing LTC insurance policies that have built-in consumer protection benefit standards, and participating states cooperate by allowing these policyholders to access Medicaid without spending down their assets almost to poverty level if the insurance benefits run out.

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CNBC says not having long-term care insurance can be ‘the single biggest devastator’ of your financial plan

I had to share this article from CNBC! Most people will need help with daily activities at some point and most receive the care at home. The most meaningful thing you can do for your family is provide them with help when the time comes so that taking care of you doesn’t fall completely on …

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The Two Biggest Mistakes In Retirement Planning

Over the years, there are two mistakes I’ve found that people consistently make when preparing for retirement. Making one or both mistakes can leave you in a “what if” retirement, afraid to spend your savings as you ask yourself: What if one of us has an extended chronic health care need? What if our retirement …

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It’s Time to Stop Bashing Long-Term Care Insurance

Let’s stop with the LTC insurance bashing and focus on the families it has SAVED.

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Outside-of-the-Box Thinking About Long-Term Care Planning–One Size Does Not Fit All

As a shoe aficionado, I have observed that long-term care planning is quickly starting to resemble my closet of 100 pairs of shoes. 

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Phyllis Shelton LTCi Update

Phyllis Shelton discusses the latest on planning for long-term care with Tim Takacs and Barbara McGinnis on the Takacs-McGinnis Elder Law Hour

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Denial is Not a River in Egypt

People have a 50 percent chance of needing LTC at some point in life, and about 30 percent of people who do may need care for five years or more, according to a new study by LifePlans, Inc. Being in denial about this could be the worst thing you ever do to the people who love you.

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What Does Long-Term Care Cost?

Planning for long-term care is best done with information gathering to make an informed decision. The “deer in headlights” approach doesn’t work.

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Federal LTC Insurance Program Rate Increase (updated)

The employee education program for the Federal government’s group long-term care insurance program in 2002 beat Donald Trump to The Apprentice.

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