Phyllis Shelton

Phyllis Shelton is the President of LTC Consultants, a Nashville-based company that she founded in 1991 specializing in long-term care insurance sales training, consumer education and marketing materials. She is widely considered to be the leading long-term care insurance sales trainer in the country. Now her heart goes out to anyone who doesn't have a local insurance professional to help them consider long-term care insurance, and she is willing to be a resource for those people, or their financial advisors.

Most commented posts

  1. What happens if a LTC insurer goes out of business? How common does this happen? — 45 comments
  2. Your Customized Benefit Selection Process — 44 comments
  3. Welcome SUZE ORMAN Readers and Everyone Else! — 39 comments
  4. How much does long-term care insurance cost? (rate calculator for sample plan) — 36 comments
  5. The Secret Medicare Plan that No One Tells You About — 35 comments

Author's posts

What your state lets you keep, effective 1/1/2025

This is a table that shows the minimum assets and income each state allows nursing-home residents and their spouses to keep.

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Welcome SUZE ORMAN Readers and Everyone Else!

Confused about long-term care insurance? Please watch this 12 minute educational video by Phyllis Shelton.

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How Much Does Long-Term Care Insurance Cost?

Compare Hybrid and Traditional Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Traditional LTC insurance (LTCi) is a standalone policy that reimburses you for eligible long-term care services in exchange for a premium that in most policies can increase. The premium is waived while you are receiving benefits. If you do not need care, your premium stays with the …

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A Guaranteed Plan in a Volatile Market

If you are an investor, think about your portfolio right now. How pleasant would it be having to pull $6,000 a month from it today for eight hours a day of home care?  Or $18,000 a month 20 years from now? Or $24,000 a month 30 years from now? Which stock or property would you sell? If …

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The Secret Medicare Plan that No One Tells You About

Saving Money

Medicare supplement plan – most out-of-pocket could be $25-$32 a month

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The Question Every [Millennial / Gen X / etc.] Should Be Asking Their Parents

Okay. You need a grownup question to ask your parents besides, Can I borrow the car keys? Or Have you seen my car keys? When am I going to get a car? Can I get a raise on my allowance? Can I have a toy, ice cream, ANYTHING? You are WAY PAST those whiny ones. …

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LIVE Phyllis Shelton Webinar Dec 3rd at 1 pm EST

Did you miss it? NO PROBLEM. Just click here:“Everything You Need to Know About LTC Insurance But Were Afraid To Ask” Hey everyone! Wasn’t the webinar with Joy Loverde on “Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old?” fantastic? I will be listening to it a couple more times!  So many of you submitted questions about …

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Own Life Insurance and Need Money? The Sicker the Better

Don’t cancel a life insurance policy without reading this. You could be throwing away thousands of dollars.

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Coronavirus and LTC Insurance

Some of you may be wondering if there is an impact. Applying for LTC insurance can be a little tricky right now as some of the carriers have put an age cap of 70 or younger for applications. This has happened because normally older applicants have a face-to-face interview which some carriers and families as …

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Free online assessment to keep older family members safe during the CoronaVirus

Assisted Living Locators is a free, nationwide senior care placement and referral service for in-home care, independent retirement options, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing facilities. If you have a loved one whom you are concerned about during this challenging time, this is a place you can go to see if he or she …

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